Banking Recapitalization: Reviving growth and the Moral Hazard Issue

GOI could give unlimited support to the performing PSBs to get growth back on track, force some PSBs to improve and dismantle the rest.

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Retail Credit: High Growth and Reasonable Risk Adjusted Return

Retail Credit is still giving reasonable risk adjusted return as credit penetration in India continues to grow at a record pace.

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Scope to Earn Resilient Superior Returns in Indian Bond Market

Study on ‘Defaults in 2016-17 across issuers rated by Four Largest Rating Agencies’ in India

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About Us

FairConnect is established by professionals having extensive experience in the credit and equity markets in India.

FairConnect focus areas are as follows:
1) Effectively manage credit risk to be more competitive and generate higher Return on Equity
2) Enhance the capital efficiency to generate superior Return on Equity
3) Manage Stressed Assets to improve Return on Equity and free up capital
4) Credit Health Checks for investment portfolio of Corporate Treasuries / Insurance Companies to facilitate Resilient ‘Alpha’

Our Benefits

  • In-depth knowledge of Indian regulatory environment.
  • Deep understanding of the credit issues and Credit Rating Triggers.
  • Knack for finding optimal solutions.
  • Strong connect with the issuers
  • Strong Relationships with Investor Community